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UK Repatriation Tax Service

Avoid UK Repatriation Tax Shock: Secure Your Wealth with Confidence

AHR Group’s UK repatriation tax service ensures your transition back to the UK won’t come with any unwelcome tax surprises. We are your ally against the complexities of repatriation tax pitfalls, and identifying opportunities for you.

Let us empower you with the knowledge and strategies to ensure your move is seamless and your finances resilient.

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Why AHR Group?

Repatriation Experts

When it comes to repatriation, the tax landscape can be daunting. AHR Group brings a deep understanding of the complexities involved in both global and UK tax systems, offering precision navigation through potential pitfalls.

Personalised Wealth Strategies

Your financial story is unique, and so should be the approach to managing your wealth.

At AHR Group, we deliver customised wealth management strategies, crafted to align with your individual life goals and optimise tax benefits.

Proactive Planning

The best financial defence is a proactive offence. AHR Group promotes early and forward-thinking strategies, ensuring you’re well-prepared for a smooth repatriation, with financial solutions that adapt as your life evolves.

AHR Group Advantage

With AHR Group, you gain more than just a financial adviser; you gain a partner who’s dedicated to the entirety of your financial journey.

Our comprehensive approach combines local insights and global expertise to support you from the inception of your repatriation plan through to settling back home and looking to the future.

Common UK Repatriation Tax Queries

I’m worried about UK tax after my time overseas.

I’m worried about UK tax after my time overseas.

Tax specialists can decode the UK system for you, ensuring you utilise every advantage. Your financial landscape will be carefully analysed to prevent errors. Clarity in your tax obligations will replace confusion with confidence.

Speak to an Adviser

I might have to repatriate sooner than expected.

I might have to repatriate sooner than expected.

Having a contingency repatriation plan in place is always prudent, ensuring you're primed for any sudden return. Yet, if you find yourself unprepared, rapid and strategic planning can still safeguard your financial well-being. Your assets can be protected and tax exposures minimised, even when the unexpected occurs.

Speak to an Adviser

My partner isn’t a UK national; how will this affect us?

My partner isn’t a UK national; how will this affect us?

Tailored financial guidance can navigate the intricacies of mixed domicile status. Your joint assets can be structured for optimal tax efficiency. Forward-thinking estate planning ensures both of your interests are secured for the future.

Speak to an Adviser

No Plan vs Repatriation Plan

No Plan
Repatriation Plan

Blind Tax Hits: Expats often returned to a tax ambush, like a hefty bill due to misjudging the Statutory Residency Test or missing out on Split Year Treatment benefits.

Informed Readiness: Comprehensive pre-return assessments ensure you utilise residency tests to your advantage, avoiding unexpected tax liabilities and optimising Split Year Treatment.

Investment Exposure: Without foresight, investments were frequently exposed to UK taxes, negating the benefits of years spent growing wealth in low-tax jurisdictions.

Protected Portfolios: Investments are reviewed and restructured if necessary before repatriation, ensuring your savings are preserved under UK tax laws with suitable vehicles like ISAs and pensions.

Domicile Dilemmas: A lack of understanding around domicile status left many non-domiciled individuals facing significant, unplanned inheritance tax on their global estate.

Domicile Strategy: Expert advice clarifies your domicile status, providing a clear strategy to safeguard your worldwide assets and manage potential inheritance tax efficiently.

Record-Keeping Overwhelm: In the past, poor record-keeping often resulted in challenging confrontations with HMRC, leading to unfavourable tax assessments and penalties.

Strategic Documentation: Guided record-keeping practices ensure you have a robust trail of evidence, from flight records to tenancy agreements, to support your tax position.

Reactive Estate Planning: Mixed domicile marriages would react to tax changes post-move, leading to potential excesses in inheritance tax liabilities.

Proactive Estate Harmony: Anticipatory planning for mixed domicile couples aligns global assets ahead of time, utilising allowances and treaties to protect estates from undue taxation.

Pension Panic: Returning to the UK could trigger pension taxation confusion, with expats unclear on how to handle their overseas retirement funds.

Pension Clarity: Clear guidance on pension transfers and tax implications provides peace of mind, ensuring your retirement funds are managed in the most tax-efficient way possible.

Ambiguous Non-Resident Status: Prior to recent clarifications, ambiguous rules around non-residency led to the notorious “non-dom” controversies, with individuals facing unexpected tax charges upon returning to the UK.

Non-Resident Assurance: Clear-cut criteria and expert guidance help define your non-resident status, ensuring your return to the UK doesn’t bring unforeseen tax responsibilities.

Property Missteps: Many repatriating expats faced sudden capital gains tax on property sold overseas, not realising the impact of their residency status on global assets.


Property Planning: Strategic advice on property holdings and timing of sales can prevent unexpected capital gains tax, aligning with your residency status for tax-efficient outcomes.

Inheritance Hazards: Previously, estates of mixed-nationality couples were often mishandled, leading to excessive taxation.

Inheritance Insights: Proactive planning and international tax treaty awareness can protect your estate, ensuring your beneficiaries receive their due without undue tax burdens.

Investment Roulette: Expats returning home often grappled with the decision to repatriate all their investments, sometimes triggering a substantial and unnecessary tax burden due to a blanket approach.

Strategic Asset Allocation: A nuanced strategy guides which investments to repatriate and which to maintain offshore, optimising tax efficiency and growth potential based on individual asset performance and goals.

How Our Service Works


Begin your journey home with a personal consultation. Here, we’ll discuss your overseas financial landscape, your potential return date, and your concerns about repatriation.

This is the foundation upon which we’ll build your customised repatriation plan.

We’ll analyse your residency status and domicile position to understand your potential tax obligations.

This includes dissecting the Statutory Residence Test and understanding your ties to the UK and other jurisdictions to ensure compliance, tax efficiency, and your status aligns with your life plans and tax efficiency goals.

Our experts will conduct a thorough review of your assets, investments, and pensions. We’ll identify which should be repatriated and which can remain offshore, balancing between growth, accessibility, and tax implications.

Armed with a thorough understanding of your financial picture, we craft a bespoke tax strategy. This includes timing your move to maximise tax advantages and ensuring your investments are structured to be tax-smart in the UK.

Next, we put your plan into action, assisting with everything from investment restructuring to liaising with tax authorities. Our goal is to streamline your transition, making it as smooth as possible.

As you settle back into life in the UK, our UK-licensed business is there to support you every step of the way.

The adviser who has been with you from the start remains your primary point of contact, ensuring a consistent advisory relationship.

As your circumstances evolve, we’ll be there to make necessary adjustments. Whether it’s a change in residency rules or personal life circumstances, we’ll ensure your repatriation plan remains optimal.

With the AHR Group advantage, you have access to a depth of expertise and resources tailored to secure your financial well-being through every stage of your journey.


UK Repatriation Tax Advice

Unlock Your Bespoke Repatriation Blueprint during a complimentary 15-minute call, and you’ll:

  • Receive clear, actionable steps for your move in minutes.
  • Get a quick, tailored advisory preview specific to you.
  • Walk away with newfound confidence in your repatriation plan.

UK Repatriation Tax FAQs

The SRT is a set of rules used to determine an individual’s tax residency status in the UK.

It considers various factors such as the number of days spent in the UK, work ties, and connections to the country.

Our advisers can help you understand and apply the SRT to your situation.

The SRT is a reliable starting point for understanding your tax residency, but its application is not always black and white due to individual circumstances and case law interpretations.

It’s a reliable tool, but to ensure you’re getting the most accurate assessment, professional advice is crucial.

At AHR Group, we have a panel of experienced lawyers to provide you with the best possible tax opinion, taking into account all the nuances of your specific situation.

A common misconception is that the SRT is a simple day-counting exercise.

In reality, it considers various connection factors and tie-breaker tests, which can make the determination of residency status far more complex than just the number of days spent in the UK.

Yes, business trips to the UK can influence your residency status.

Workdays are factored into the SRT, and even a small number of days worked in the UK can tip the balance when combined with other connections you may have with the country.

Having homes in both the UK and abroad can complicate your residency status. The SRT looks closely at the location and usage of your homes when determining your tax residency, particularly under the ‘automatic residence’ and ‘sufficient ties’ tests.

Family ties are an important part of the SRT’s ‘sufficient ties test’. If your spouse, civil partner, or minor children are UK residents, this could affect your own residency status, especially if you spend a significant number of days in the UK.

If your residency status is unclear or if you have borderline cases, it’s crucial to seek professional advice.

An adviser can help you interpret the SRT in light of your specific circumstances, potentially engaging with HMRC to seek clarity or resolve disputes.

Yes, you can still be considered a UK resident even if you spend less than 183 days in the country, depending on your connections to the UK, such as family, accommodation, work, and the number of days spent in the UK in previous tax years.

Efficient tax management involves understanding your residency status, leveraging tax treaties, and structuring your finances to make use of UK tax allowances and reliefs.

We offer personalised advice to create a tax-efficient strategy for your repatriation.

Yes, you can maintain offshore investments, but they may be subject to UK tax laws upon your return.

Strategic planning is required to optimise the tax treatment of these investments, which we can assist with as part of your repatriation plan.

Non-domiciled individuals may be subject to UK tax on their worldwide income and gains after becoming UK residents.

Special rules, such as the remittance basis of taxation, may apply. We can clarify these rules and help plan your move to minimise tax exposure.

Split Year Treatment can apply if you either leave the UK to live abroad or move to the UK partway through a tax year.

It splits the tax year into a UK part and an overseas part, potentially reducing your UK tax liability for that year.

You should keep detailed records of your days spent in and out of the UK, proof of residence, work contracts, and financial records related to income, gains, and taxes paid abroad.

These records are vital for determining your tax residency status and for any discussions with HMRC.

It’s best to start planning at least 18 months in advance of your intended move.

Early planning allows more opportunities for tax planning and ensures that your financial affairs are in order, providing a smooth transition back to the UK.

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