AHR Group has been acquired by Titan Wealth and will become Titan Wealth International.

Why AHR Group?

Mission Statement

At AHR Group, we’re not just advisors, we’re consumers too. As expatriates ourselves, we understand the unique challenges faced by those living abroad and offer a comprehensive suite of financial, tax, and estate planning services tailored to meet these needs.

Discover the same strategies we use to build and protect our own wealth.

Benefits of Working with AHR Group

Cross-Border Specialists

We specialise in providing advice and services to British expats, but our expertise extends to other expatriate nationals from Western markets with complex cross-border tax environments.

Future-Proof Your Finances

By becoming a client of AHR Group, you’re not just investing in a one-time service. You’re future-proofing yourself for a multitude of financial requirements that you will encounter throughout your lifetime.

Personalised Service

We believe in the importance of fit. Our job isn’t to convince you to work with us; it’s to determine if working together will be a good fit. This approach ensures that we can provide our services at an affordable level and work with you over your lifetime.

Transparent Pricing

We offer transparent, low fees and focus on building long-lasting relationships that span generations.

7 Global Offices

As Seen In

A New Way For Expat Wealth Management

Old Way
New Way

Using multiple services or a ‘DIY’ approach leads to missed opportunities, costly errors, and inefficient time use.

A comprehensive, customised financial, tax, and estate plan that harmonises with all facets of life and future ambitions.

Managing multiple pensions, some lost.

Single, easy-to-manage pension with a clear retirement plan

No retirement plan or cash flow forecast.

Understanding of the fees being paid.

Unknowingly trespassing tax legal grey areas.

Regular equity withdrawal from UK property investments every 3-5 years, fuelling further property acquisitions and rapidly building an impressive portfolio.

Considering repatriation without cleaning up financial affairs.

Tax-efficient offshore investments and bank accounts.

No exposure to the growing UK housing market.

Inheritance tax plan to maximise wealth transfer to loved ones.

No inheritance tax plan, risking wealth being taxed heavily.

Life insurance with lifetime benefits paid for with premium financing

In an expensive, low-performing pension plan.

Clear plan for repatriation with all tax affairs planned.

Life uninsured, leaving family at risk.

Tax-efficient limited corporation for UK property investing.

Basket of currencies and FX strategies.

Exclusive access to expat mortgages.

How We Work With Our Clients

Discover the options available to you, understand the pros and cons of the options you’re considering, and learn what other expats like you are doing to grow and protect their wealth.

We make it easy for you to share your financial situation and goals. We’re skilled at helping you reveal all pertinent details. We’ll attentively listen and comprehend your needs, illustrating how financial planning can assist in achieving your dreams.

You’ll receive a tailored recommendation with a transparent fee structure. You are free to walk away at any point.

We take care of everything, providing clear and regular communication throughout the process so you can focus on life.

You’ll receive reminders on important deadlines like national insurance voluntary payment updates, tax returns, opportunities in the market or tax legislation. As a full-spectrum service, we can help you with all of your affairs.

Financial Resources

Our Financial Resources help you to make informed decisions for your financial, tax and estate planning goals. Start learning today.